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Join date: Aug 3, 2020


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Boozhoo indinawemaagan, Ogimaa Giniw indizhinakaaz, Misi-zaaga’iganing indoonjibaa.

Hello relatives, I am 45 years old Anishinaabe inini, I have 5 children, I reside here on the Mille Lacs Lake Indian Reservation and have been here my entire life. I have been working sporadically on the Ojibwe language for the last 6-7 years with no such luck, however moving forward, I am committed to continuing my studys here this web site ( I am confident this is a good place for me to to spend my time and enery. I look forward to working with you all and having fun learning the language.

Miigwech Bizindawiiyeg

Ogimaa Giniw

Ogimaa Giniw Bobby Eagle

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